A2539 Progressive Shock Spring 6.5T

P/N Description
A2539 Progressive Shock Spring 6.5T
A2540 Progressive Shock Spring 7.0T
A2541 Progressive Shock Spring 6.75T
A2544 Progressive Shock Spring 6.0T
Compared to the standard springs, by improving the road holding, which improves  
steering and stability, and reduces posture disturbance due to bumpy road surface.
By using A2540 (7.0P) for the front and A2539 (6.5P) for the rear, the car rolls more 
smoothly, the accuracy of line taking at the corner entrance is increased, and it is  
possible to turn witha smaller R.  A2540 (7.0P) can be used for both front and rear
at the small tracks or with slow motors.

*Final production version of product may and will differ from appearance of product shown on this page.